広島大学は高度被ばく医療支援センターと原子力災害医療・総合支援センターに指定され、原子力災害医療中核人材育成や原子力災害害医療派遣チーム養成研修を行っている。当教室は広島大学緊急被ばく医療推進センターと連携し、これらの事業を積極的に支援している。 当教室は、原子力災害医療体制構築に関する研究、特に効果的な原子力災害医療教育のためのツール開発や、原子力災害拠点病院の事業継続計画整備の研究を進めている。一方、広島大学は国際的に「被ばく都市ヒロシマに存在する大学」として知られており、国内外の関係機関と強く連携している。我々は大学生、大学職員はもちろん、HICARE(広島放射線被曝者医療国際協力推進協議会)主催の研修では海外からの研修生に講義、実習を担当している。このように当教室は来るべき原子力災害・放射線災害に対して積極的な活動を推進している。

lonizing radiation is widely used in the medical fields for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, and strictly regulated for the purpose of preventing from radiation hazards in industries such as nuclear power plants. Our efforts to understand and control biological radiation response have been directed toward improving radiation therapy and providing important insight into radiation protection and casualty medicine. In order to achieve this goal, research projects being performed on various topics include:
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident with the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 was a complex disaster called the nuclear plant accident following the earthquake and tsunami. It was difficult to cope by the previous radiation emergency medical system. Based on the lessons obtained from the victims by the evacuation of patients without the detailed plan and the lack of of the radiation emergency medical teams and so on, the Nuclear Regulatory Agency built the new radiation disaster medical system in 2015. Hiroshima University was designated as both the advanced radiation emergency support center and the nuclear emergency medical support center. And we are supporting radiation emergency medical care core personnel training courses and nuclear emergency medical assistance team training courses in cooperation with Hiroshima University emergency radiation medical promotion center.
In our research sections, we push forward studies of tool development for the establishment of radiation emergency medical system, particularly effective radiation emergency medical care education and the business continuity plan maintenance of the nuclear emergency core hospital. On the other hand, Hiroshima University is known as “a university existing in Atomic bomb casualty city Hiroshima” globally, and it cooperates strongly with domestic and foreign relations. We are in charge of lectures, training to university students, staffs or the trainees from the foreign countries in the person of HICARE (Hiroshima International Council for Health Care of the Radiation-exposed). We will act to push forward the preparation to coming nuclear/radiation disaster in the whole country.
Molecular mechanisms of hypoxic response relating to disease
We have demonstrated that the downstream pathway of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF), a key transcription factor in hypoxic response, is important in the repression of DNA damage recognition and repair (DRR) gene expressions, which may contribute to the resistance to anticancer therapies.